8 Months with Ford


Where is the time going?!

The last month has been one of the most challenging, but also so fun. After dealing with an entire month of sickness and then teething, we are so thankful that Ford is finally back to his playful self. Here are a few updates on Ford.


Ford can now climb the stairs, move from furniture to furniture while standing and is practicing standing on his own. He is so fast and does not want to stay put. It makes getting anything done nearly impossible! He does not want to be confined anymore - unless in his high chair while eating. So, we have put all of his baby activity contraptions away for now.

We went from no signs of teeth to two in one month (both bottom teeth). I guess I wasn’t prepared for how rough teething would be on him. Poor guy would cry and hold his mouth and often run a mild fever and tug on his ears during the teething process. We typically have 1-3 really hard days while he’s cutting a tooth and then he gets better.

He is learning so much and has changed so much (physically and mentally) this past month. He is very aware of when I leave him now and gets a little teary eyed at first, but still does really well having others care for him at daycare or when our nanny comes. He loves music and dancing, it’s something we try to do at least once per day and is way more in tune to our emotions. It’s amazing how much he is becoming a little person with his own personality. I love watching him grow so much.


We finally got our sleep back on track! After basically not sleeping the entire month of March due to him being sick or in the thick of teething, he is now finding his groove. Most nights, he is sleeping from 8pm - 6am without interruptions. There have been a few night’s where he gets up to nurse around 5am because his teeth hurt, but he really is doing so much better at night.

I wish I could say the same for naps. They are still a daily struggle for us. He will nap for our nanny or at daycare, but refuses to sleep in the crib for me. I’ve tried it all. He will nap easily in the stroller while on a walk or in the car, but will only nap on his own for around 30-45 minutes in the crib. If I hold him, he would nap for hours. It makes getting anything done when I am home with him impossible. I am counting down the days until he is in full-time daycare so that I don’t have to worry about it anymore. #realtalk


Ford is eating so much! He may be eating more than me at this point! He loves food and feeding himself. He’s tried so many foods at this point, it’s hard to keep up. He particularly loves bananas, avocados, butternut squash, any protein (chicken, sausage, beef and even shrimp or fish) and pasta!

I am still breastfeeding around 2-3x per day (once in the morning when he wakes up, once before I leave the house for the day and 1-2x around bedtime). I am pumping once a day or when I feel like I need to in order to have milk for when I am gone during the day. My supply has dropped so much. I am sure it’s mainly due to him eating solids, but I no longer have extra milk and when I pump, usually only get a few ounces per side.

We have had to supplement with some formula here and there while he is at daycare. He hasn’t had any issue with it, but also feel like he doesn’t care for it. He is showing less interest in bottles and mostly is nursing for the comfort. I am going to keep nursing 1-2x per day while I can, but am slowly weaning.


Ford loves…

  • Climbing the stairs

  • Listening to music (the Simple Nursery Rhymes station is on repeat)

  • Playing peek-a-boo

  • Going on long walks when the weather is nice

  • Visiting new places and being out-and-about with us

  • Taking naps in the car seat or on me

  • Eating and exploring new foods

Ford is growing out of:

  • His swing and other bouncy seats - we’ve put them all in storage now

  • His activity center - we are converting to the table option; but he doesn’t like to be in the seat anymore

  • Anything that keeps him confined

  • Taking naps in the crib

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