Finding "Balance" as a Working Mom
I am SO excited to be the new guest writer for Children’s Mercy Parent-Ish blog! This is a great resource of KC parents (and beyond) on all things parenting…
“Sometimes you need answers to the little everyday things that parents encounter. And sometimes, you just need someone to encourage you through all of the craziness and challenges of parenthood. Welcome to Parent-ish.”
I am no expert in being a parent. But I try everyday. And I like to share my experiences - the good, bad & oftentimes hilarious as I navigate motherhood. Here is an excerpt from my first article, live now on the Parent-ish Blog!
5 Tips for “Balance” as a Working Mom
My phone rang and I went into full panic mood. My son was supposed to be napping but was screaming in his crib. It was time for my weekly conference call with a client and I was home with my son without any help. So, I did what was necessary in the moment. I took him out of the crib and put him into his stroller and took the call while power walking for over an hour. He slept and I somehow pulled off the call. It was a win-win! That’s what I call... multitasking like a mother.
But there have been other times where I haven’t been able to come up with a solution. There have even been times that have made me question if the paycheck was worth the stress of it all. Childcare isn’t always reliable (or cheap), my son has been sick for months from daycare and I’ve often been left scrambling to re-arrange schedules.
Balance is a challenge as a working mom. Let’s be honest, balance is a struggle for any parent.